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App Design

Our skilled team does the research and data scraping to build qualified and targeted call lists customized for your business.

We look at:

  • Customer Profile

  • Location

  • Occupation


Click here to check pricing for a consultation.

Waving in Headphones

We also offer inbound sales integration services. This includes:

  • Script Building

  • Cold Calling

  • Cold E-mailing with detailed notes

  • Set Meetings!


Click here to check pricing for a consultation.

Digital social media

​We help build your brand towards the next level to improve lead generation. 

  • Logo/Business Card Creation

  • Website Building

  • Landing Pages

  • Paid Ads Management


Click here check pricing for a consultation.

Image by Christina @

​We expand your business by adding more human resources essential for growth.

  • Access to a wider talent pool

  • Increase capacity and productivity

  • Increase revenue and profitability

  • Improve brand image

  • Succession planning


Click here check pricing for a consultation.


Do I have to pay for every call?


No! Not every call is a valid, billable lead. You don’t have to pay for repeat callers, wrong numbers, solicitors, etc. We only charge you for potential new customers.

How much does your service cost?


You Pay Per Lead and Per Touch Point. Prices vary based on your business type & location. As this is a competitive Marketplace, the higher the cost of your type of work, the more expensive a lead will be.

For example, a carpet cleaning company’s average ticket prices is considerably lower than that of a personal injury attorney, thus you can expect the lead cost to be much lower as well.

Do you promise a certain amount of leads or jobs?


Just like with any marketing means, we cannot guarantee a certain amount of calls, jobs, or wins. Unlike most other lead generation options, you only pay for the valid leads – the actual new potential customers that you can have points of connection with in real-time.

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